Monday, January 31, 2011

Jewelry Sale and New Studiomate!

Love is in the air...


What could be more sweet? A studio wide Jewelry Sale! (take that Sweethearts) Me and my studio-mates are having a studio wide sale this Thursday and we want you to come. Of course we will have cider and cookies to nibble on while you pick out something special for your someone special or a nice little treat for yourself. One night only:

First Thursday- Feb. 3rd from 5-9pm
20% off silver jewelry, silver/gold mixed metal jewelry, and wood jewelry. 10% off gold and palladium jewelry. In-stock pieces only. Does not include custom or special orders. Save on all studio artists: Emily Johnson, Betty Jeager, Susan Frerichs, and welcome our fabulous new studiomate Allison Johnson of Potpourri

Northrup King Building Studio #435
1500 Jackson Street NE
Mpls, MN 55413

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year brings Big News!

2011 brings big changes for me and my business. This December I left my full-time day job as goldsmith and studio director for Stephen Vincent Design to purse my jewelry collection full time! I am so excited for this opportunity to have more creative time and expand my business to more galleries and shows throughout the year. I also hope to grow my custom design business and create more wedding and commitment rings, so look for new things to come!

With this business change I also have personal change: my husband and I are moving up to Duluth, Minnesota. Duluth is my hometown and a great source of my inspiration, so I am excited to be surrounded by the tress, rivers, and that big huge Lake Superior and I look forward to how it will influence my collection. Although I am excited about the move, I am not ready to give up my community in NE Minneapolis. The Twin Cities has been an amazing community to be a part of creatively and business wise. I have made so many connections and have such an amazing supportive climate down here, I just can't give it up. So, I'm not! I am keeping my studio in the Northrup King Building as a show space and meeting area for custom design. I plan to travel back and forth from Duluth and the Cities at least twice a month. Now that my schedule is my own I plan to keep a foot in both cities (Duluth and Minneapolis) so no worries, I still look forward to our private design consultations and First Thursday events!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year- New Jewels

Happy New Year! I hope your 2010 was a wonderful year and now let's start 2011 off with some sparkle :) Stop by and see me and my studio mates of Studio 435 for First Thursday in the Arts District. We are open 5-9pm every First Thursday of the month and are now adding open Saturdays too! (post to follow with exact dates) But as always, feel free to contact me anytime for a private showing or design consultation.

First Thursday- Open Studio 435, 5-9pm
Northrup King Building
1500 Jackson St. NE
Mpls, MN 55413