Wooo, a busy week! A lot going on this week, but let's talk about the exciting Jewelry Give-Away!
The Holidays are approaching and this tends to be a time of year when we think of others before we think of ourselves, well before we get in too deep here's a special opportunity just for you! Go to my facebook page, Britta Lynn Design and "like" my page for your chance to win a Double Tree Ring necklace, a $178 value! Once I reach 250 "likes" all names will be entered to win this handmade piece of jewelry. A special treat that's all for you! Facebook is the best place to find my current work with a lot of new photos every week. Even if you do not have a facebook account you can still browse the photos there. (Now I know not everyone has a facebook account, so if you do not email me at brittalynndesign@gmail.com to be entered!) Be a good friend and tell your friends :)
First Thursday Open Studio- tomorrow!
Thursday Nov 3rd, 5-9pm
Northrup King Building, Studio 435
Art Attack- art crawl- this weekend!
Friday Nov 4th, 5-10pm
Saturday Nov 5th, 12-8pm **will not be at the NBK until 6:30pm, see below!
Sunday Nov 6th, 12-5pm
Join me and over 200 artists for this fall's art crawl just in time for the Holiday season. Check out new work, find new local artists and give a gift of handmade art this Holiday. This 3 day art adventure has something for everyone with mediums in clay, paint, glass, jewelry, prints, and so much more. Come check out the heart of NorthEast's art district and bring something special home with you.
****I will not be at Art Attack Saturday Nov 5th until 6:30pm, if you come earlier in the day my lovely friend Michelle will be happy to help you :)
Northrup King Building- studio 435
1500 Jackson Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Walker Holiday Jewelry Artist Mart - this weekend!
Saturday Nov 5th, 11-5pm
Come to the beautiful Walker Art Center for this one day jewelry specialty show. Check out local to national jewelry artists with their whole collection to shop and browse. Join me and 20 other artists for this special show. Find jewelry in different mediums: metal, glass, plastic, pvc pipe, felt and more...
Walker Art Center- Skyline Room
1750 Hennepin Avenue
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403
Other News....
I just moved into my new workshop space in Duluth and I look forward to sharing photos on my facebook and blog as soon as it looks presentable :) I will always keep my studio in Northeast Minneapolis at the Northrup King Building for a show space and meeting place with clients, but I now have a new workshop in my hometown of Duluth, MN. Next time you are visiting the big Lake make sure to come visit the workshop! Duluth has been a wonderful source of inspiration for me and I look forward to sharing my new collections with you!
As always, if you would like to arrange a private design appointment with me just email to set up a time, I hope to see you all soon!